Monthly Archives: October 2004
The announcement that the NCAA will track a new “adjusted RPI” has generated a little buzz recently. Seth Davis came out of summer hibernation to write about it, Andy Katz followed, Joe Lunardi has piled on some thoughts of his own, and now local beat writers are in the mix. Here’s the truth: this alternate […]
Who would you rather have as your point guard… TO% A% Pts/40 FTA/FGA Player A 4.5 9.9 11.3 .292 Player B 3.6 9.3 16.7 .388 TO% = percentage of possessions a turnover is committed A% = percentage of possessions the player gets an assist Pts/40 = Points scored per 40 minutes of playing time FTA/FGA […]
Since I am tied up with a few things, my humble pre-midnight madness offering to you is your team’s schedule. The link actually goes to UConn’s schedule, but with a little computer savvy, you can get to the D1 school of your choice. Last year’s RPI rankings are listed next to the opponents, and exhibitions […]
Thumbs down to the Mississippi State athletic department. With a week left until practice begins, the Bulldogs still have not released their basketball schedule. Their key non-conference games are in Anaheim against Arizona on December 5th and at Xavier on December 18th. You’ll just have to wait for the rest. They should take a cue […]
“offense is behind the defense early in the season” This is not usually true. It may be true for some teams, but not for college basketball as a whole. Here’s the season-to-date scoring average for Division 1 by date over the last six seasons… 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 12/1 139.3 140.2 141.4 144.1 […]