Here's some of what is available for members at

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Team pages
  • Schedules with predictions of upcoming games and links to box scores for past games.
  • Team-level advanced stats, color-coded for easy consumption.
  • Advanced stats for each player on the roster.
  • Breakdown of lineup usage with depth chart information.
Expanded player pages
  • Conference-only stats and rankings for players.
  • Minutes matrix depicting starts and minutes played for each player for each game during the season.
Conference pages
  • Projected conference records and sortable advanced stats for conference games.
  • all-conference teams.
  • Daily schedule with predictions for all future games.
  • Links to box scores and win probability charts for every game.
Player history
  • Annual stats and biographical information for every player
  • Game-by-game breakdowns and seaosn stats against conference teams and top 50/100 competition.
Box scores
  • The cleanest box scores on the web with DNP info and an embedded win probability plot.
Team history
  • Advanced stats data since 1997 for every team.
Coach history
  • Advanced stats data since 1997 for every D-I coach.